For your inner realist

Well, this is the first post of News to Make You Blue. The basic premise of this is pretty self-evident — there is plenty of news in the world, and most of it centers on what a shitty place the earth is to live on. So why not cash in the chips and submit to defeatism?

This will be a daily collection of links that will open your eyes and crush your ideals — free of charge (minus the saturation with ads and the cost of your soul). So it begins:

Defrauding Indian tribes. And I thought giving Indians bad treaties stopped in the 1800’s, guess not.

Bob Woodward sells his soul. It’s like he won the Superbowl with Watergate, and has been doing puff pieces and beer commercials ever since.

Ariel Sharon quits the party he started Good for him though, because brainless right-wing Israelis deserve to be locked in their own unelectable and hopefully unrepresented box.

GM to Cut 30,000 jobs, under-worked and over-paid seek relocation plan The gravy train is about to end for a lot — poor productivity and shitty cars means tough times for 35 hour union slobs. Who didn’t see this coming?

Hey, I’m no fan of Asian-driven curriculum either White flight from public schools because there are too many Asians? At least you would be taller than everyone, and you would probably win any fight you’d get into (except against the ninjas).

And finally, a good piece of news. Well, kind of. This baby panda is damn cute. So cute in fact, that I woke up to try to get tickets to see him. Guess what? Too bad. They were already gone by 11 am. I guess I’ll just be sneaking into the zoo in my underwear at 4 am, as usual.

And that’s today folks.


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