December 14th, 2005

microcosm – n. A small, representative system having analogies to a larger system in constitution, configuration, or development


Let’s all get consumed by anxiety

As a stead-fast believer in an alarmist, paranoid mentality, the record US trade deficit should send me (and you) into all-time high worrying about immigrants, cheap electronics, and other such things that ‘took our jobs’. But as an economist, it doesn’t matter (or does it) because the US is moving from the industrial/good production sector to the financial/services sector. Confuse you? Too bad.

In other news, Russia is still doing a good job of messing up it’s former Soviet Union states. Not that this is to be surprised — most of these countries are somewhat third/second world and little comprehension of democratic processes. It is not to be forgotten that the Soviet Union only collapsed 14 years ago too.

And the ‘what world do we live in now’ news articles of the day, Bob Dylan will host an XM radio program. No, this is not a joke, and yes, the words ‘sell out’ should be forming in your lips. Second, check out this article about kids using powerpoint to sway parents on gifts. This would require the usual jab about consumerism and the state of American affairs… but at this point, I can’t even be forced to care.


We want your soul

Mr. Jobs to the Stanford Class 2005 (and my favorite quote): Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice, heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

Dogma Bot v2005


Dear Readers,

I haven’t written in forever, mostly because I have nothing interesting to say. However, I am now 22. Officially old. Too old for barely legal porn, even.

Part of me really wishes I was 16 again and could start over.

The End.


Summer Wave

I am riding a wave of discontent into the ocean
crashing onto myself over and over
the swell swells inside me lifting me higher
and I laugh until I fall

I am on an iceburg in the darkest sea
only this cold do I float above the waves
any warmer and I’d sink to the briny bottom
global warming is a dirty trick you see

but I’m lying on back face up to the sky
but all I see is my black dark night
chivalry is all but dead and mind plays tricks
thoughts lost in the next big wave

There are two things in life I fear
disappointment and heartache
The only two things in life are these
disappointment and heartache

will I fall upon the beach at last
will I sink in summer’s blasts
only time will tell the score
tell me this, tell me more

the image lasts with eyes wide shut
like a glimpse in our sun’s gut
and all that glitters soon in gone
and for all that heartbreak I soon long

I’m riding on a wave of hope
But waves they crash in time
In time my mind will fry like
all the old I see around me

gone and gone and gone besides me


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