It’s our world now, Johnny Boy

Isn’t it interesting that in the middle of a series of letters and written memories on John Lennon (this being the 25th anniversary of his assassination), there are ads for McDonalds?

Guess you lost, and now all we have is your legacy. And legacy’s don’t do much but appear on Top 100 shows and have their memories rewritten by Hollywood.


Secular Central

Do you watch secular central? That was a pretty cute attempt at humor Mr. O’Reilly. Those starched up shirts and home grown values sure have won you an intelligent, informed following.

Evidently, the storm troopers of diversity think there’s a nicer way to say, “Merry Christmas.”


December 8, 2005

intransigent – adj. Refusing to moderate a position, especially an extreme position; uncompromising.


i drew this for you today

I saw you on the bus and I drew this for you today

You acted like I wasn’t there, just like everyone else in my life. Why don’t they hear my cries?

But maybe you will soon. I need you. You need me. You just don’t know it yet.


Thanks for the free gross out

Some wonderful things you get to hear in the bathroom:

A man hemmoraging himself while in the toilet. I am not comfortable in being an enclosed space with another male moaning.

Two men chit chatting to each other about coitus while urinating.

Is this sexual harassment? When do I get to cash in?


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