a weekend in NYC (cont’d)

Well, here’s the result of a couple of missteps in Harlem (this is Mike’s arm):

Vic got slapped around a bit, John got punched, and Mike ended up with 24 stitches. Pretty sweet, and all in the first hours!

My weekend was great, and feel free to bring that fact up if you run into someone with a huge scar on their right arm!


A Page Of Life

This is a page from my book of life. I have been a part of many things in my life. I have been a leader, a follower, a sinner and a saint. Of all of those I have to say I loved being the leading sinner. The person who was in charge of a bad thing. I have taken groups into battle, I have watch grown men fall for a cause that was selfish. I have watch friends turn on eachother because of a strive for personal gain. “We are all a trade away from humility”, life is a business. I am in the business and making others want to be me. I am in the business of making people look at me and wonder how I can do what I do. I don’t fluant my business, I just make sure it is visible. I make sure you want to be me. I make sure you want to follow in my steps. I am not perfect, perfection is a joke it isn’t real. Perfection is an illusion, I create it, I make it seem real.

Its hard trying to be, its hard to do. I don’t DO ANYTHING, I JUST AM.

To create an illusion is easy, to keep it is hard. To keep the illusion is hard.

Think about that…..



color me Bad(d)

I wear headphones at the gym–not to look hard or to pump myself up, but to escape the intolerable shit they play over the PA. Yesterday, my batteries ran out so I had to do my workout sans headphones. I don’t care who you are, stand in front of a mirror doing curls with Michael Jackson’s “Bad” playing in the background and you will have to fight the urge to kick your own ass for looking like such a douche.



mikey has taken a knife to the arm, john a solid punch to the eye, leaving both incapicitated — more news coming soon


spoil system aplenty

with the pick of Harriet Miers and personal experience with some of the more elite branches of government, i have concluded that the main ineptitude of the American bureaucracy is the dependency on hierarchy and the overwhelming syphocancy. also, people fall asleep during meetings between top officials at intelligence agencies (videos coming sometime)

also, a conversation between two government employees on an early friday afternoon:

1: can’t let the boy see me playing hooky from work
2: haha you at work?
1: no
1: are you?
2: nope


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