you want it, you take it
The United Nations Association (National Capital Area)
Young Professionals for International Cooperation
Peace & Security Panel Discussion Series
Refugees, Resettlement, and Human Security
Part II:
Issues of Refugee Assistance in the Global Context
SPONSORS: Peace & Security Committee, Young Professionals
for International
Cooperation, UNA-NCA
DATE & TIME: 30 August 2005; 6:15-7:45 PM
SPEAKERS: Margaret Pollack; Director, Office of Multilateral
Coordination and External Relations, U.S. Dept. of State
Lori Seymour; Operations Officer for the IOM New York Mission
UNHCR representative invited
VENUE: Longworth House Office Building 1539, New Jersey and
Indep. Ave., SE
METRO: Orange/Blue Line, Capitol South, SE
Please RSVP to with “Refugees RSVP” in subject
This event is FREE.
The international ‘refugee regime’ employs myriad actors to address
the needs of refugees worldwide. What prompts refugee outflows and how does
the international community address the needs of those fleeing persecution?
Coordination for refugee assistance occurs at various levels among UN agencies,
national departments and non-governmental organizations. Panelists will share
their experiences and offer insight into the factors affecting the practitioners
of refugee assistance in the global context.
This event is the second of a three-part series exploring the topic of refugees
and human security. In July, part one of the series dealt with the challenges
of refugee resettlement in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area. In September,
part three will address policy prescriptions relating to refugee resettlement
from both a United States policy perspective and an international policy perspective.
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