Is Billionaire Guilt A New Trend?

Billionaire Guilt

The Article: Billionaire Guilt — Is It A Trend? by Rick Ungar in Forbes.

The Text: Billionaires willing to support policies that come at their own financial expense is nothing particularly new. People like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates have long displayed a willingness to support policies that inur to the benefit of all Americans even when it might cost them a few bucks.

However, there is a new entry to the ranks of billionaires willing to speak the truth to the one-percenters at considerable expense of his own, sizable bank account—and he is someone who has been not only influenced the wealthy for many years but has also been responsible for making them a boatload of money.

More remarkably, he may be the first of his kind willing to admit that his good fortune has come at great cost to the American worker.

Bill Gross is the massively successful founder, managing director and co-CIO of PIMCO, the mega-bond fund that oversees nearly two trillion dollars worth of securities.

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Toronto Mayor Plows Into Council Member

We can’t get enough of the crack-smokin’ maverick today. 10 bucks says this is the most cardio Ford has gotten in months.


11 Ridiculous Rob Ford Quotes On The Issues

So he smoked crack. And yeah, he’s the mayor of the most populous city in Canada. So what? Maybe Rob Ford wouldn’t have been led to take a few puffs on the crack pipe if all those lamestream media jerks hadn’t stressed him out so much with their incessant nagging. From the “oriental” work ethic to the facts behind AIDS transmission, the porcine and pinkish mayor is filled with rich insights into the intricacies of the world…if only we’d get over the crack and give him a chance! Rob, we’re rooting for you.

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When Pilgrims Privatized America


The Article: When Pilgrims Privatized America by Andro Linklater in Bloomberg.

The Text: The 102 Pilgrims who sailed to the New World in 1620 were destined to be communists. Under the terms of their agreement with the Plymouth company, they were to work communally for the first seven years, ‘‘during which time, all profits & benefits that are got by trade, traffick, trucking, working, fishing or any other means … remaine still in ye comone stock.’’ After that time the proceeds would be shared with the investors in England.

The arrangement was particularly welcome to the tightly knit core of migrants united by the common experience of persecution by the Church of England. Their chief spokesman, Robert Cushman, condemned personal greed as ungodly, and pointed to the better example of the early Christian societies where property had been held ‘‘in common.’’

Arriving late in the year, they spent most of the first bitter winter living aboard ship, but when the 53 hardy souls who survived the disease that raged through the Mayflower dragged their weary bodies onshore in the springtime, the hard business of farming for the common good aroused little enthusiasm. ‘‘The young men, that were most able and fit for labour and service, did repine that they should spend their time and strength to work for other men’s wives and children without any recompense,’’ William Bradford, their future governor, wrote. Only repeated whipping kept them at work.

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If The NSA Was A Person

Seems like an asshole, is an asshole.


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