Obama’s Reassignment Surgery

It’s been a confusing summer for the residents of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. So much so that it seems they’ve undergone some sort of policy reassignment surgery…just who is Barack Obama, anyway?


How To Make The 1% More Comfortable

Crowds Cartoons

It’s pretty easy, guys. Just obliterate federal programs that seek to keep people out of abject poverty and lower taxes so that the plutocrats may breathe easier knowing that the chances of them meeting fellow moochers (that lack designer clothing) are approximately zero. Also, in case you missed it: income inequality is just about as high as it’s ever been.


Why We Should Stop Linking Video Games With Mass Shootings

Video Game Violence

The Article: Don’t link video games with mass shootings by Christopher Ferguson in CNN Online.

The Text: The horrible shooting at Washington Navy Yard adds to the recent litany of mass shootings in the United States. Much attention typically focuses on what we, as a society, might do to prevent similar events in the future. Unfortunately, the line between reasonable reflection and cultural crusade can sometimes be blurred, with activists drawing in shootings to advance their particular axes to grind.

Since the 1999 Columbine massacre, that issue has often been violent video games. So it should come as no surprise that we have already seen some speculation about whether the Washington Navy Yard shooter, Aaron Alexis, may have played violent games.

Earlier this week, an op-ed by Dr. Brad Bushman may have crossed the line from science to advocacy.

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50 Years Of Mass Shootings

Sadly, the thought of teaching gun safety techniques in kindergarten isn’t entirely out of the realm of possibility. Mass shootings have become all too familiar in American vocabulary, and above Rachel Maddow discusses the alarming themes common in them all.


The Incredible–And Untapped–Power Of The People

People Power

Alas, we are too preoccupied with commenting on Miley Cyrus’s so-called egregious assault on taste at the VMAs to be bothered with the fact that the Congress almost all of us hate can be easily replaced should we so choose. Thank God for MTV.


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