Don’t Like School? Move To Utah!

Aaron Osmond

The Article: Utah lawmaker calls for an end to compulsory education by David Edwards in The Raw Story.

The Text: A Republican lawmaker in Utah is calling on his state to put an end to the requirement that children go to school.

On Tuesday, Deseret News flagged a Friday article posted to state Sen. Aaron Osmond’s blog where he says that Utah “should take a close look at repealing compulsory education.”

Osmond argues that requiring children to attend school has caused some parents to “completely disengage themselves from their obligation to oversee and ensure the successful education of their children.”

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The Sad State Of American Political “Activism”

American Political Activism

Low risk activism–which is apparently the only acceptable kind these days–reaps a low-level reward…which is, of course, precisely the point.


The Redder Your State, The Poorer You Are?

Red State Poverty

The Article: Life Expectancy Shortest In Southern ‘Poverty Belt’ by Katy Hall and Jan Diehm in The Huffington Post.

The Text: Living in a high-poverty area often means a lifetime of struggle with underperforming public schools, limited job opportunities, higher crime rates, and poor nutrition, health care and housing — all of which can add up to a shorter, sicker retirement.

Americans who live in the South can expect to live fewer healthy years past 65 than those who live in other parts of the country, according to a new report from the CDC. Health disparities among seniors in their final years align closely with profound geographical differences in poverty. The region where more than 30 percent of people live in high-poverty areas — dubbed the “poverty belt” by The Atlantic’s Richard Florida, falls right over the states with the lowest healthy life expectancies. As inequality in the U.S. climbs steadily, this public health crisis may only expand.

Poverty Belt


“I’m Just A Bill”, Á La Texas, Ohio, And Its Effects On Women

The classic Schoolhouse Rock song re-envisioned to suit the times…somehow the melody isn’t as cheery.


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