The Scam Of Market-Based Healthcare

Health Care Scam

The Article: Healthcare Isn’t A Free Market, It’s A Giant Economic Scam in Tech Dirt.

The Text: Not long ago, someone I know who had no medical insurance, but who had some serious medical issues, ended up in the hospital for a few weeks. Some procedures needed to be done, but nothing that most people would consider too “drastic.” Eventually, the bills showed up, and they were in the range of half a million dollars, for someone who did not have anything close to that. You hear stories about crazy medical bills, but what very few people realize is that the reality of hospital bills can often be orders of magnitude more crazy than what most people expect. Just last week, a friend of mine posted the following image to Facebook, noting that when his normal medical insurance billing statement has room for seven digits (i.e., millions of dollars) something is clearly screwed up.

A few years back, the folks at Planet Money tried to dig in and demystify some of the secrets of medical bills, but that only scratched the surface.

Stephen Brill has a very long, but absolutely gripping, detailed analysis of the insanity of medical billing for Time Magazine. It’s a truly astounding piece, that hopefully will open many people’s eyes. It will take a while, but find some time to read it, just to get a sense of how totally screwed up the entire system is. I’ve been working on some other stories about some really sketchy activity on the pharmaceutical side of things, but this article really shines a light on the disgusting underbelly of the healthcare system. As Brill notes, so much of the debate about healthcare is really focused on “but who will pay for these things.” But what it tends to ignore is why are the prices absolutely insane.

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Noam Chomsky On Climate Change

Treating the claims of climate change deniers (re: dunces who comprise 2% of the population) with the same amount of respect as you do those who believe it exists (re: 98% of field experts) doesn’t just damn you, it damns the future.


Harriet Tubman On Slavery

Harriet Tubman On Slaves

Just a week past the one hundredth anniversary of her death, Tubman’s words remain as true as ever.


How Corporate Profits Are Killing The Economy

Corporate Profits

The Article: Corporate Profits Are Eating the Economy by Derek Thompson in The Atlantic.

The Text: Here are two things that are true about the economy today.

(1) The Dow Jones industrial average is poised to set a new record as corporate profits stretch to all-time highs.

(2) There are still fewer working Americans today than there were before the start of the Great Recession.

The fact that these two things can be true at the same time might outrage you. But it shouldn’t surprise you. In the last 30 years, there has been a great divergence between growth and workers’ incomes, as the New York Times reminds us today. Corporate profits have soared, in the last decade especially, particularly because of three things: Globalization has pushed down the cost of labor available to multinational corporations; technology has allowed companies to make more with fewer workers, in general; and Big Finance has gobbled up the economy, as the banks’ share of total corporate profits has tripled to about one-third since the middle of the last century, according to Evan Soltas.

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Richard Dawkins And Stephen Hawking On Evolution

If you feel like you are destined for a dim existence after watching five minutes of combined brilliance, we’re, well, sorry.


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