On Structure, Power And Agency

Lately, one cat has been pondering class treason: What does it mean that we do so many things in our lives ‘automatically’? What can we really do to make this world better? And what will we have to give up or risk in order to achieve it?


The Sixteen Best Some E-Cards On Religion

Best E Cards Religion

Full of biting pith, Some E-Cards is an equal-opportunity cynic haven where its users can take a digital shit on everything from Christmas to Ramadan. Here are some of their best selections on the topic of religion.

Best E Cards Religion Elections

Best E Cards Religion Hell

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Jane Goodall On Climate Change

Jane Goodall Climate Change

The Article: Jane Goodall on climate change: ‘We’ve just been stealing, stealing, stealing from our children, and it’s shocking’ by Agence France-Presse in The Raw Story.

The Text: Jane Goodall greets the audience by imitating a chimpanzee, then launches into an hour-long talk on her relationship with apes and how, from being a primatologist, she became an activist to protect them.

At 78, Goodall, who has 53 years of studying chimps behind her, is still criss-crossing the planet to raise the awareness of populations and their leaders on the fate of the apes and the need to protect the environment.

“I haven’t been more than two or three weeks in one place at one time,” for the past 25 years, she says.

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The Gun Debate Rap

Do guns really prevent tyranny? Is tyranny already here?


The Illusion Of Choice In American Media

Illusion Of Choice American Media

And you thought your DVR-ing of Rachel Maddow made you a political dissident.


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