Poverty And War

Unfortunately for those in need, it’s hard for the military-industrial complex to profit off of poverty–at least domestically.
Unfortunately for those in need, it’s hard for the military-industrial complex to profit off of poverty–at least domestically.
God works in mysterious and asinine ways. Case in point: The Amazing Atheist’s video.
We all remember John Kerry as the first man to lose to George W. Bush in a presidential election and make some Republicans boycott ketchup. And in a few years, we’ll probably remember him as the man who merely carried through Obama’s situational, “lead from behind” diplomacy while Hillary prepped for her successful 2016 presidential run. But today, we remember him for being awkward. (NB: the above image is obviously photoshopped, though we wish it weren’t.)
The Article: The Old South’s Last, Desperate Stand by Michael Lind in AlterNet.
The Text: In understanding the polarization and paralysis that afflict national politics in the United States, it is a mistake to think in terms of left and right. The appropriate directions are North and South. To be specific, the long, drawn-out, agonizing identity crisis of white Southerners is having effects that reverberate throughout our federal union. The transmission mechanism is the Republican Party, an originally Northern party that has now replaced the Southern wing of the Democratic Party as the vehicle for the dwindling white Southern tribe.
As someone whose white Southern ancestors go back to the 17th century in the Chesapeake Bay region, I have some insight into the psychology of the tribe. The salient fact to bear in mind is that the historical experience of the white South in many ways is the opposite of the experience of the rest of the country.
Mainstream American history, from the point of view of the white majority in the Northeast, Midwest and West Coast, is a story of military successes. The British are defeated, ensuring national independence. The Confederates are defeated, ensuring national unity. And in the 20th century the Axis and Soviet empires are defeated, ensuring (it is hoped) a free world.
Another delightfully cutting gem by Mark Fiore.