Defining The Living Wage

Yes, the ones who most directly service American glut are some of those most impoverished. Oh, the irony.
Yes, the ones who most directly service American glut are some of those most impoverished. Oh, the irony.
The Article: Lies of Plutocracy: Exploding Five Myths that Dehumanize the Poor by Jeff Nall in Truth Out.
The Text: You’re in the grocery store checkout aisle. Time to cash out. You pull out your food-stamp EBT card. You’re overcome with a sense shame one feels for being broke in a world that measures self-worth according to net-worth.
You hide the card behind your bank debit card – the one that has nearly nothing in it – and try to act natural as you slide it through the machine. “Cash or Food,” it asks. You hit food. No one in the aisle with you is the wiser. But the cashier knows. You wonder if he’s now scrutinizing your food purchases. If he’s so poor how can he afford organic tomatoes? (After all, pesticides only harm the wealthy!) But at least the people behind you aren’t in on it.
“OK, the balance is $10.99,” the cashier says. You forgot about the laundry detergent. Now you’ve been outed to everyone. “He’s buying this stuff with our money,” you imagine people around you thinking.
I wonder what Rudy’s thoughts are on Vixen’s right to choose.
The best part for Wall Street is that these bets tend to be financed by people who don’t really have anything to gamble.
The Article: What’s Still the Matter With Kansas – and the Democrats? by Ira Chernus in Truth Out.
The Text: A presidential election focused on income and wealth inequality? The Republicans clearly identified as the party of the rich, and the Democrats, just as clearly, the party of the rest of us? That’s pretty amazing. We haven’t had a contest like this in three-quarters of a century.
But if the voters really care so much about economic issues, as the pundits keep insisting, and inequality really is such a prominent issue, then the Democrats should be breezing to victory. So why are they clearly losing the House and facing a very real possibility of losing the White House?
My answer unfolds in two connected parts: First, the economy is not the most basic issue. Second, this year as always, the foolish Democrats are acting as if it is.