Vladimir Putin’s Ethical Consistency

Putin Interference

Putin has appropriated the Monroe Doctrine nicely, right?


Meet The Rich People Who Live Paycheck To Paycheck


The Article: Are the Suburbs Making People Live Paycheck to Paycheck? by Matthew O’Brien in The Atlantic.

The Text: Most people living paycheck-to-paycheck aren’t actually poor. They make a decent amount, and they have a decent amount of wealth.

And, believe it or not, this makes sense.

Now, you might expect that people without any liquid savings like cash or checking accounts wouldn’t have any illiquid savings like housing or retirement accounts, either. Basically, that everyone follows Suze Orman’s advice, and builds up an eight month emergency fund before putting any money into investments.

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New GOP Family Planning Tool Can Spot Predisposition For Empathy

If you want your kids to grow up believing in personal responsibility, free markets that have the right to make a profit at the expense of humanity, a strong national defense that will stand up for unnecessary wars and traditional values, “PlanGOP” is just what you need to start your family off on the RIGHT track.


Pope Francis On Our New Idols

Pope Francis On New Idols

If you want to read more of the Argentine pontiff’s thoughts on capitalism, you can check out his apostolic exhortation. You know it’s powerful if the folks over at FOX hate it.


An Idiot’s Guide To Politics

Election years: when rich people hire smart people to figure out what idiots think so the rich liars can lie to the idiots more effectively, and trick them into supporting anything at all. Expand your smart person political vocabulary by watching this incredibly helpful video.


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