Our (Un)sustainable Planet

Your vote this November will not only affect your future income but also the welfare of the planet.
Your vote this November will not only affect your future income but also the welfare of the planet.
Political and economics whiz Robert Reich lays it all on the line for you, even with pictures.
The Article: Generational Warfare by Nick Gillespie & Veronique de Rugy in Reason.
The Text: In 1964 a young Bob Dylan released “The Times They Are a-Changin’,” an anthem that defined what would shortly become known as “the generation gap.” With a mix of sympathy and sneer—“Come mothers and fathers / Throughout the land / And don’t criticize / What you can’t understand / Your sons and your daughters / Are beyond your command / Your old road is / Rapidly agin’?”—Dylan described an unbridgeable gulf in values, styles, and aspirations between the rising baby boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, and their elders, who had managed to survive the depredations of the Great Depression, World War II, and the swiveling hips of Elvis Presley.
Flash forward half a century, and the boomers who once sang along with Dylan have become the reactionary elders, clinging to their power and perks at the literal expense of everyone younger. There’s a new generation gap opening up, one that threatens to tear apart the country every bit as much as past confrontations over war, free love, drugs, and sitar music. This fight is about old-age entitlements and whether the Me Generation will do what’s right for the country and stop sucking up more and more money from their children and grandchildren.
Social Security and Medicare, which provide retirement and health insurance benefits for senior Americans, generally without regard to need, are funded by taxes on the relatively meager wages of younger Americans who will never enjoy anything close to the same benefits. From any serious fiscal or moral viewpoint, and particularly for the sake of helping those truly in need, Social Security and Medicare should be ended.
Missed the 80’s club scene? Not the case any more, thanks to The Soft Moon’s hypnotic track, “Insides.”
James just has a lot of 90’s feelings, and we can relate. There was nothing more satisfying than that otherworldly dial-up sound.
Excellent point, Chris Rock…are words I never thought I would type.