A Hip “Heartbeat”

It’s all in the family. The five-piece Kopecky Family Band has got us swaying from side to side with their jazzy track, Heartbeat.


Bernie Sanders On The Deficit

Bernie Sanders On The Deficit

We need more people like him in DC.


Limbaugh: Feminists Made My Penis Small

Well, at least he’s consistent in never finding fault in his innumerable flaws.


The Fanatical GOP

The Article: The Fanatical GOP by Robert Reich in TruthOut.

The Text: We’re witnessing the capture by fanatics of what was once a great and important American political party.

The Republican Party platform committee now includes a provision calling for a constitutional amendment banning all abortions, without an exception for rape or incest. This is basically Missouri senatorial candidate Todd Akin’s position. (At least the GOP platform doesn’t assert that women’s bodies automatically reject “legitimate” rapists’ sperm.)

Paul Ryan, Romney’s selection for vice president, has co-sponsored 38 anti-abortion measures while in the House of Representatives, including several containing no exception for pregnancies caused by rape or incest.

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Ghosts: Your Go-To Autumn Track

Perfect music for the approaching sweater weather season. On An On’s “Ghosts”.


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