For The Rich, Healthcare Is A Social Right
The Article: Health care is a social right, not a privilege for the rich by Jerry White in the World Socialist Web Site.
The Text: Last week’s three-day argument before the US Supreme Court on the Obama administration’s health care law was a demonstration of right-wing, pro-corporate politics on both sides of the official “debate.” Whether Democrat or Republican, liberal or conservative, all the big business politicians uphold the interests of profit-driven medicine, including the drug monopolies and giant insurance companies.
The Obama administration defended its reactionary “individual mandate” penalizing what it called “free riders,” i.e., low-paid workers who must resort to using emergency rooms because they cannot afford health insurance, and presented the new law as vital to cutting costs for both corporations and the government. One of its allies in the liberal wing of the high court, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, made the revealing comment that the goal of the law was “to preserve a role for the private sector, for the private insurers” in the health care system.
The right-wing opponents of the Obama health care reform portrayed the latter as a “big government” social welfare scheme, and even, farcically, as a step towards socialized medicine. Their allies in the right wing of the Supreme Court suggested, particularly in their comments during the third day of argument, that they might use the case as an opportunity to attack the constitutionality of long-established social programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and even Social Security.