The American Petroleum Institute

You can buy peace of mind! From Mark Fiore: “Keystone XL and tar sands oil are emissions-free wonders that will do everything good you ever thought possible. (At least according to the American Petroleum Institute.) Let’s take a look at the organization that has been lobbying their heart out to get Keystone XL approved.”


The Trials And Travails Of That One Rich Guy

The One Rich Guy

Problem No. 1: While sitting atop a mountain of wealth, his nose occasionally runs due to the altitude.


Marijuana Legalization Is On The Cusp Of Mass Acceptance

Weed Festival

The Article: Marijuana legalization on cusp of mass acceptance by Marc Fisher in The Boston Globe.

The Text: SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. — In the ‘‘medication area’’ of the nation’s biggest marijuana exposition, scantily clad young women hand out marshmallows they’ve dipped into a rushing fountain of pot-laced chocolate.

A few steps away, Anthony Ramirez offers free hits from a bong filled with the waxy marijuana extract that his family started producing when a friend’s mother needed relief from the pain of lupus.

Across a vast outdoor plaza lined with hundreds of booths, last month’s Cannabis Cup gathering in southern California attracted more than 10,000 visitors at $40 a ticket.

By midafternoon, some of them are sprawled on overstuffed couches that merchants have thoughtfully provided. Others move from booth to booth, sampling wares from businesses that have risen from the underground economy to create a burgeoning industry of hazy legality.

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(Almost) Everything That’s Wrong With The US In 15 Seconds

A bald eagle (which is an endangered species) soars through a mega church in the United States. Idiots squeal “USA, USA”. The eagle crashes into a window and falls into the audience. This isn’t satire; this is real life.


Hilarious GIFs Of Dictators And World Leaders In Drag

Drag Dictators Kim Jong Un

In world politics, conventional wisdom has often coupled hyper masculinity with power. Thus, the more masculine you appear and act, the more powerful you are perceived. Turning this notion on its head, artist Saint Hoax has re-envisioned some of history’s most powerful figures in a dragged out light in the series “War Drags You Out”.

The artist began the series in June 2012, and while it appears to be a lighthearted take on the pomp and showmanship of global politics, Hoax has received numerous death threats. Said Hoax, “I began working on the “War Drags You Out” series last June. Initially, I was painting the drag queens on canvases. I began with the infamous Bin Laden. I completed the painting last November and I got in touch with a curator that asked me to anonymously display the painting in Zarnegar Park (Kabul, Afghanistan). As risky as it sounded, I agreed to his request. I then announced that the art show will take place on the Feb. 11 via YouTube.”

“I received over 70 [death] threats in my inbox deterring me from showcasing the [original] U.S.A.M.A [Osama Bin Laden] painting. Quite frankly, I got worried. Luckily, instead of shipping the original painting I sent the curator a faux painting and it got lost. The curator emailed me saying that it was destroyed in the Kabul International Airport.”

Drag Dictators Obama

Drag Dictators Osama

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