Vote Obomney 2012!

Vote to preserve the status quo! Vote Obomney 2012.
Vote to preserve the status quo! Vote Obomney 2012.
There are 1.5 million homeless children in America, and over 50 million people don’t have health insurance. Panorama asks these people what happened to Barack Obama’s vision for America.
Jason Read provides an illuminating quote on the true parasites in a capitalist economy:
People who dismiss the unemployed and dependent as “parasites” fail to understand economics and parasitism. A successful parasite is one that is not recognized by it’s host, one that can make it’s host work for it without appearing as a burden. Such is the ruling class in a capitalist society.
Enjoy this Jason Read quote on the parasites in capitalism? Then be sure to check out great critiques of capitalism on ProseBeforeHos.
It’s such a surprise that there is still so much conflict over there.
The Article: “Trickle Down” Is a Plutocratic Religion, Not an Economic Theory by Mark Karlin on Buzzflash.
The Text: “Trickle down” is not an economic theory; it’s a self-enriching religion for the wealthiest amongst us.
The economists and pundits are legion who have challenged the notion that the amassing of wealth by a privileged few results in more jobs being created in the US. After all, if this were the case – at a time the richer are becoming even richer – why did we nearly just reach a depression?
This is a very complicated issue to adequately explore, but a book that touches upon a flashpoint area of this debate is “Illegal People” by Truthout contributor and labor specialist, David Bacon. It is the Truthout Progressive Pick of the Week and available with a minimum contribution, shipped directly by Truthout.
One of Bacon’s central arguments is that globalized corporate trade is conducted to increase the profits of large corporate entities. The result is the exact opposite, in many cases, of trickle down. Due to trade agreements that allow corporations to place factories in the lowest cost country, creating near slave-labor conditions – as BuzzFlash at Truthout has shown – for workers who, for example, make almost all American high-tech products overseas.