Patriarchy In America

Meet the House Oversight Committee as they meet to discuss birth control and religious liberty. Curious enough, they’re all men.
Meet the House Oversight Committee as they meet to discuss birth control and religious liberty. Curious enough, they’re all men.
Judge Napolitano knows how it works. Do you?
It’s only a matter of time before more red dots appear.
The Article: Rick Santorum slams ‘reign of environmental terror’ y Alex Guillen and Juana Summers on Politico.
The Text: Liberal politicians and green groups are exaggerating the dangers of hydraulic fracturing to scare people and raise money, Rick Santorum said Thursday in a wide-ranging rant against environmental activists.
The failure of cap-and-trade legislation in 2009 was the “politicization of science,” Santorum said.
In fact, he added, the Republican Party is “the truth party.”
“You hear all the time, the left: ‘Oh, the conservatives are the anti-science party.’ No we’re not. We’re the truth party,” the former Pennsylvania senator said at a campaign event in Oklahoma City. “Because the left is always looking for a way to control you. They’re always trying to make you feel guilty so you’ll give them power so they can lord it over you. They do it on the environment all the time.”
There’s Nothing In The Water We Can’t Fight by Cloud Control off of Bliss Release.