Everything That’s Wrong With SOPA

You read right. You can go to jail for longer for downloading one song than for murdering someone.
You read right. You can go to jail for longer for downloading one song than for murdering someone.
Utilizing public transportation is typically one of the more monotonous aspects of life. Thankfully, passengers in New York’s Q train were able to rejoice in the spontaneous hip hop routine of this peppy patron. It is unknown if anyone was harmed.
It must be an exhausting process to go through an identity crisis while running for President. Here’s a video of his more progressive self some years ago. Wonder when he’ll come to the surface again.
The Article: The Intelligent Argument For Legalizing Pot by Andrew Schenkel on Mother Nature Network.
The Text: Groups all around the country are campaigning to legalize marijuana in California.
In a matter of days, voters in the Golden State will be able to decide if marijuana will remain an illegal drug by voting for or against Proposition 19 on the California ballot. Proposition 19 has gotten the attention of groups all around the country, and those hoping to “legalize it” don’t exactly fit the cliché of dreadlocked, jobless, munchie-craving stoners.
Thousands of miles away from California’s borders, in one of the squarest, lamest and uptight cities in the nation (Washington, D.C.), law students at one of America’s most prestigious universities are making the “intelligent” argument for legalization. Members of Georgetown University’s Students for a Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) have devoted some of their time this week to calling voters in California and urging them to vote “yes” on Proposition 19.
“It’s not a bunch of hippies sitting around,” said one of the members of the group, who asked to remain anonymous to not draw attention to himself.
“We all have short hair, many of us have pretty anti-hippie aspirations after law school. Some of us want to do corporate law, or tax law or even litigation once we get our law degrees,” he said. He added that he voted for George W. Bush twice and tends to vote along Libertarian ideologies.
Well, I guess it’s better than a tattoo of Rick Santorum.