Summer Sun Says Get Out More

Get Away by Yuck off of Yuck.


Students’ Fears On Unemployment Rates

Students spend four years in their pursuit of an undergraduate degree and upon their graduation receive, well, we’re not too sure anymore.


If Barbie Were Real

If Barbie Were Real

No caption necessary.


This Space Available: Moderate Republicans

This Space Available: Moderate Republicans

So, where exactly have moderate Republicans gone?


Dear Jon Huntsman, We Donā€™t Deserve You

Jon Huntsman America Doesn't Deserve You

This past week, citizens of the granite state of New Hampshire did a great job in reinforcing the stateā€™s nickname: in a blockheaded, nose-picking Cro-Magnon fashion, nearly 40% of New Hampshirites traveled en masse to their polling stations and voted for Mitt Romney. In a distant second place was Ron Paul, resident libertarian crank whose absurd vision of the future rivals that of a Dali painting. And in a typically meek manner, Jon Huntsman finally poked his silvery head of hair in the upper echelon of GOP candidates with 17% of the New Hampshire vote.

In Huntsmanā€™s subsequent speech, he vowed that his campaign would ā€œgo southā€ from New Hampshire. While he may have meant South Carolina, the next stop on the conservative candidatesā€™ tour de force, anotherā€”and more accurateā€”interpretation would be that he was referring to the direction of his future support in the polls.

What modest ā€œmomentumā€ Huntsman gainedā€”if it can even be called thatā€”in the already fiercely independent state of New Hampshire was not nearly enough to catapult him into the frontrunner status he will need in order to successfully navigate the waters of the snake handling, reason loathing, and science shunning states of South Carolina and Florida that await next in the GOP primaries.

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