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The Article: Defusing Palestinian Statehood Bid at the UN by Hussein Ibish in the Atlantic.
The Text: For most of 2011, Palestinian leaders have been privately and publicly speculating about potential statehood initiatives at the UN General Assembly meeting in September. The PLO may present some plan in effect asking the UN to recognize Palestine as an independent state, which wouldn’t make it so, but it would put Israel and the U.S. in a very awkward position. These ideas have been opposed by both Israel and the United States, which have described them as “unilateral,” and met with a mixed response among European states. To date no clear plan or strategy has been put forward but language of a draft resolution could be unveiled as early as Thursday.
In recent months, Palestinians have floated a number of ideas about what they might try to do at the UN meeting and what they hope to achieve. As President Mahmoud Abbas keeps insisting, it seems Palestinians would prefer to resume negotiations with clear terms of reference. With neither negotiations nor clear terms thus far forthcoming, however, and with time quickly running out, a UN initiative of some sort looks increasingly likely. The political and diplomatic results will depend on what, exactly, the Palestinians propose.
Oh CNN, just when I think you can’t sink any lower… you go and do something completely embarrassing like this. Notice the image above. Yes, the first article in the World news section of the front page of CNN is “Are the Smurfs crypto-fascists?” And yes, this isn’t the Onion and the article is very real:
Let’s have a quick recap of why this is absurd, embarrassing, and a stinging indictment of CNN’s continued ineptitude: