Causes Of Rape

Taken from a Slut Walk in early June. The sign reads:
Things That Cause Rape
The outfit that I’m wearing
Drinking too much
Taken from a Slut Walk in early June. The sign reads:
Things That Cause Rape
The outfit that I’m wearing
Drinking too much
The bittersweet irony of Jason Kidd coming back to the Dallas Mavericks after all these years and winning a championship is probably lost on many NBA fans. Shawn Marion, for a brief time, was arguably one of the best all-around players in the game who likely was traded away hastily from a desperate Phoenix Suns team. Jason Terry has been one of the most durable, underrated and consistent players in the NBA over the last dozen years. And after scoring over 22,000 points and leading the Mavs to 11 straight playoff appearances, Dirk Nowitzki finally earned a long-awaited championship and much-deserved Finals MVP.
Unfortunately for these four veterans — some of the best players of their generation — they couldn’t have won a title during a more cynical and sadistic time in sports media coverage and sports fandom.
The 2010-11 NBA Finals will not be remembered for what the Mavericks accomplished; it will go down as the year LeBron James proved he isn’t the greatest of all-time. Oh and he isn’t a closer; he isn’t a champion; he isn’t Michael Jordan; he isn’t the next Michael Jordan; he isn’t tough; he doesn’t show up in the fourth quarter; he’s Scottie Pippen; he’s not-even-Scottie-Pippen; he defers; he isn’t a leader; he doesn’t make his teammates better and the list goes on. Enough already.
Look, everybody knows that an integral part of being a sports fan is hating on your opponent. It’s all in good fun, usually.
Tom Smith, a professional clown who has lived in a three-bedroom co-op on Riverside Drive in Hamilton Heights for seven years, is torn about the new campus. He said he did not like the institution’s use of eminent domain to get its hands on some key parcels. “I’m not really an eminent-domain kind of guy,” he said.
Yet he thinks Columbia will help curb street crime, which in turn may make the area a more pleasant place to walk. “There will be a lot less chicanery and hustling going around,” he said.
King of Spain by The Tallest Man on Earth.
Clockwise from the top left: Representative Anthony Weiner of New York, former Governor James McGreevey of New Jersey, former Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York, former Representative Eric Massa of New York, President Bill Clinton and former Senator John Ensign of Nevada. All were caught having extra-marital affairs or indiscretions while in political office.