Whatever Happens In Wisconsin…

Workers in Wisconsin protest against budget cuts and anti-union legislation put forward by Governor Scott Walker.
Workers in Wisconsin protest against budget cuts and anti-union legislation put forward by Governor Scott Walker.
We’re past Valentine’s Day, we’re quickly moving through February and the month of March will be upon us quite shortly. So, what does that mean? It means the NFL lockout will commence very soon but it also means that college basketball is set to take the center stage.
Yes, March is the month that many sports fans refer to as March Madness, but let’s evaluate this: how mad is this month?
The college basketball tournament that everyone gets excited about is the NCAA Tournament, which in 2011, will begin on Thursday, March 24th. And we won’t determine a winner until we are all the way into April.
So why all the madness?
John F. Kennedy addresses a crowd in Logan County, West Virginia during the 1960 Presidential campaign.
He had the cops buying drugs on camera. Two plainclothes officers yanked Khaled Said from an Internet café in broad daylight. They dragged him into a dingy apartment lobby and smashed his head against an iron door, the stairs, and the wall. They left him there to die and thought that was that.
Khaled Said’s fate was sadly nothing new. His was simply the most recent and graphic in a long line of Egyptian police atrocities. But then something unusual happened. The grief went viral.
Bloggers in Tahrir Square work on the internet to coordinate protests in Egypt via Facebook and Twitter and to contact media outlets across the globe.