Recognizing The Culture Of Violence In The NFL

The Red Queen
In evolutionary biology, there’s a concept called the Red Queen Hypothesis. Simply put, it states that groups in a system have to evolve just to keep up with the other components of the system. If not, they irrevocably fall behind. Taken from Lewis Carroll’s Through the Looking Glass, one of the Red Queen’s speeches mentions “it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place.”
The NFL finds itself in a similar evolutionary situation: players are getting bigger, faster, and stronger at a blistering pace, while rules, player mentalities, and equipment all lag, in some cases, decades behind. All the while, players continue to take injuries which are career and life-threatening that often go untreated and undiagnosed simply because of the culture that exists in the NFL. With an incontrovertible pile of evidence mounting — from decreased NFL player lifespan to irreversible head injuries — will we see the NFL as a tragically barbaric testament to disregard for player safety in the pursuit of profit?
Being George W. Bush

George W. Bush is bored these days.
The 43rd President of the United States is addicted to Scrabble for the iPad. He takes the dog Barney out on the morning walk. And he tried getting his hands dirty for Haiti earthquake relief. Emphasis on tried.
Why Are People Watching Fox News?
This originally appeared on Alec’s first blog, The Bongo, back in September 2000 in an attempt to create an Onion-style infograph on the rise of Fox News.
More and more people are watching the O’Reilly Factor on Fox News. But why are people watching this show? We have the answers: