
Salon has a good/disgusting article today about the CIA’s waterboarding procedure. I always wanted to believe in America as the City on a Hill, an example of freedom and liberty for all the world to emulate. In fact at other points in time, Americans have been courtmartialed for using waterboarding. Back when McCain was semi-liberal Republican, he spoke out vehemently against it, reminding people that we executed Japanese officers for authorizing it. In light of revelations that Bush personally authorized waterboarding, NPR asks would Jesus authorize waterboarding? And how many Hitlers are the ‘accidental’ deaths of tortured Muslims?


A Creature Of Questionable Content

Gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity; and my eyes burned with anguish and anger.

– From Araby by James Joyce

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Matt Taibbi’s Latest Indictment On American Greed And Corruption

Goldman Sachs - The Giant Vampire Squid

I’ll keep it short but sweet: Matt Taibbi, author of the infamous Goldman Sachs – Vampire Squid article, is out with a new book entitled Griftopia: Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids, and the Long Con That Is Breaking America . As described, this book is “essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the labyrinthine inner workings of politics and finance in this country, and the profound consequences for us all.” It’s a must read for those interested in how and why the American government has been hijacked by Wall Street.



The Keith Olbermann Suspension Conspiracy

Keith Olbermann, General Electric, and MSNBC

Author’s Note: Innovations from General Electric have probably killed more people than any other corporation in the history of mankind. As such, I hold no delusion that anything put forth from their media holding, NBC, is for the best interest of me or the average American. GE bought those properties intending to forward their agenda, so it’s unfathomable that a savior for the left will spring forth from its bosom. If you are looking for that voice I would suggest you shift your gaze to independent media like Democracy Now, WikiLeaks, and TruthDig.


It was emblazoned everywhere I looked. “Emergency: Keith Olbermann suspended for making political contributions.” It couldn’t have been any worse if someone had kicked Superman in the nuts with a kryptonite boot. The American way of life was at stake.
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