The Republican Plan For America

Well, at least they’re consistent.
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Why You Should Always Wear Dark Hues At The Strip Club
I went to this nasty strip club with the Torry Brothers one time in East St. Louis. I don’t even think white people are even allowed in this place. There was Guy and his brother Joe, the one from Poetic Justice. We’re in this club and Guy’s sitting there in his white sweatshirt, getting a lap dance. So this girl’s dancing and dancing on him — she’s got a big ol’ ass and she’s moving his head and stuff, grinding on his chest, up and down, back to his midsection, grinding and grinding on him.
It’s cool. We get out of there alive and we’re driving back and Guy starts sniffing really loud. Over and over again. He looks down and he has shit marks on his white sweatshirt. Motherfucker, I laughed until I could laugh no longer. I think I peed on myself. I swear, I had to get out of the truck and pee. The motherfucker had skid marks all over his white sweat shirt.
One Nation, Under Profit
Do you vote?
I often do, without much enthusiasm. In the US, there is basically one party – the business party. It has two factions, called Democrats and Republicans, which are somewhat different but carry out variations on the same policies. By and large, I am opposed to those policies. As is most of the population.
— Noam Chomsky, in an interview with the New Statesman
RIP: The American Manly Man (1776-2010)

The American Manly Man, known the world over for centuries of bravado and gritty ingenuity, passed away during the Sunday evening season finale of HBO’s “True Blood”. He was 234.
His death was confirmed by American pop culture. The cause of death is still under investigation, and the U.S. Department of Health is awaiting the results of toxicology testing. Girls’ obsession with vampires, Justin Bieber, and the Snuggie are believed to be preliminary suspects.