BP’s Logo, Redesigned For 2010

Squeeze the planet dry. [via PBH3: 2010 BP Company Logo]
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Squeeze the planet dry. [via PBH3: 2010 BP Company Logo]
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1. Once you have their money … never give it back.
2. Never pay more for an acquisition than you have to.
3. Never allow family to stand in the way of opportunity.
4. A man is only worth the sum of his possessions.
5. Keep your ears open.
6. Small print leads to large risk.
7. Opportunity plus instinct equals profit.
8. Greed is eternal.
9. Anything worth doing is worth doing for money.
10. A deal is a deal … until a better one comes along.
11. A contract is a contract is a contract (but only between conservatives).
12. A conservative without profit is no conservative at all.
13. Satisfaction is not guaranteed.
14. Never place friendship above profit (or morals, the law, or the public interest). Continue Reading
Dear BSS:
I thought you had left me, forgotten me as you ventured forth in your own directions to prospect for gold. But here you are, returning from the ashes of yore to triumphantly fill my ears with the most pleasant of cacophonies. Your new album is love, and I would romance your dick in person if given the opportunity.
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Oh, but wait, now read this from the last weekly installment of the UN Protocols of the Elders of Zion:
“Israeli forces shot and killed one elderly Palestinian civilian and injured another one in two separate incidents near the Gaza-Israel border… On 14 May, Israeli forces positioned on the border east of Jabalya shot and killed an elderly Palestinian man while he was visiting the grave of his wife in a cemetery located in the area. In a separate incident, Israeli forces opened fire toward a group of Palestinians collecting rubble near the border, injuring one of them. Israeli forces continue to enforce access restrictions in the ‘buffer zone’ by opening ‘warning’ fire toward people entering the area, affecting farmers and workers, and leveling lands in border areas.”
… I only wish somebody would treat us Israelis like we treat people in Gaza. It’s too bad; we’d give the world a real lesson in how to show appreciation.
Rattling the Cage: Living it up in Gaza by Larry Derfner in the JPost.
Watch the video. Then think to yourself: the almost exact same oil spill that happened in the Gulf Coast today also happened in 1979. Same failed equipment, same corporate greed, same failed techniques, same failed response, same environmental disaster. Somethings just don’t change.