Banksy’s Village Petstore and Charcoal Grill

Banksy’s new installation in the West Village in New York City, The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill:

See Also: The Village Pet Store, Sarah Palin’s Animal House and Banksy’s Pet Store, Banksy rat boosts Liverpool pub sale price, The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill, and Banksy gives statement to Time Magazine about that whole graffiti removal ordeal.

[tags]banksy, bansky, village petstore and charcoal grill, exhibition, pet store, banksy’s pet store, east village, west village, new york city, nyc, videos, pictures, art exhibit[/tags]


Proposition 8: No, thank you

We here at Prose Before Hos editorial staff want to join with fellow bloggers in denouncing California’s Proposition 8, and supporting our gay brothers and sisters fight for equal rights. We categorically believe that a motion to deny gays the right to marriage is a direct violation of civil rights provided by the Constitution. Further, in time of great economic and diplomatic distress, it is both a fundamental waste of time and resources to lobby such a campaign when so much more imperils our nation.

As the battle enters its final weekend, the budget tally is astonishing: $67 million dollars in donation have poured from all over the country into California for the vote on Prop 8. Religion has taken on an interesting dynamic in the race as Mormons figure to account for between 40 to 70 percent of all donations to the Yes cause. Here is an interesting excerpt:

Those words speak for Michele Sundstrom, 47, of San Jose, who has been married for 18 years and has five children.

She and her husband gave $30,000 to the Yes on 8 campaign and put a sign on their home. But in response, two women parked an SUV in front of their home, with the words “Bigots live here” painted on the windshield.

Sundstrom believes such responses must come from deep places of pain – and that gays and lesbians are entitled to the same rights as heterosexuals, just not the word marriage. Any animosity toward gays or lesbians is wrong, she said.

“There must be such deep, deep, deep hurt; otherwise there couldn’t be so much opposition,” she said. “They’ve lived with this. I guess we’re getting a taste of where they live.”

Oddly enough two out of four of the latest news posts on the pro-Prop 8 website take a racial bent, my favorite being “NAACP Los Angeles President Alice Huffman Sells Out Black Families.” Perhaps selling families isn’t the best metaphor to use… or maybe it’s THE best?

The No on Prop 8 site mostly talks about people who are against Prop 8. I don’t know, but are people really swayed by whether or not Ugly Betty wants gay marriage?

While it seems as if young people would be the most open to this argument by authority style advertisement, young people have started shifting towards a Yes vote in recent days. And while Obama has energized the young liberal base in ways no politician has in recent years, he too is opposed to gay marriage, though for civil unions.

In any case, here is what Feministe recommends to help defeat this anti-gay legislation.



Perceptions of Barack Obama And John McCain In The Middle East

This is the seventh installment of our (not so) weekly column entitled Ask a Shiite. Our resident Shiite and United Arab Emirates citizen will be fielding questions of a philosophical, physical, and political nature in regards to Shiite Islamic belief and Middle East perception. Interested in asking a question? Send an email to alec.

Question: What is your opinion of Barack Obama and John McCain? And what are the general perceptions of Middle Easterners to both candidates? What relations and future do you imagine between America and the Middle East under either candidate?

Answer: People, including myself, think that McCain seems to be reckless like Bush and a racist and extremist person, while Obama seems more moderate and promises a better future.

Subscribe to Prose Before Hos via email or via RSS feed.

Previous Ask A Shiite Columns:

Ask A Shiite: Perceptions of American Celebrity Culture

Ask A Shiite: Homosexuality in the Middle East & Islam

Ask A Shiite: The US Presence in Iraq

Ask A Shiite: Temporary Marriage and Sex and Society in the Muslim World

Ask A Shiite: Shiites & Sunnis

Ask A Shiite: Perceptions of America in the Middle East

See Also: Ron Paul: Obama won’t pull troops out of Iraq, Obama’s Bush/Cheney Strategy, Al-Qaida Sites Show Support For Barack Hussein Obama, Would McCain Negotiate With Syria?, Building up the Iron Cage, and Realists On Either Side.

[tags]ask a shiite, shiite university student, perceptions of barack obama and john mccain, middle east, middle eastern perceptions of the us president, iraq, iran, arab, relations with the united states, 2008 campaign, favorability for a candidate, democrats, republicans, future, mccain, obama[/tags]


Never Forget — 10/31/06


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