Going against American interests? That’s a paddling.

The Article: Why was the Marriott Targeted? by Tariq Ali in Counterpunch.

The Text: The deadly blast in Islamabad was a revenge attack for what has been going on over the past few weeks in the badlands of the North-West Frontier. It highlighted the crisis confronting the new government in the wake of intensified US strikes in the tribal areas on the Afghan border.

Hellfire missiles, drones, special operation raids inside Pakistan and the resulting deaths of innocents have fuelled Pashtun nationalism. It is this spillage from the war in Afghanistan that is now destabilizing Pakistan.

The de facto prime minister of the country, an unelected crony of President Zardari and now his chief adviser, Rehman Malik, said, “our enemies don’t want to see democracy flourishing in the country”. This was rich coming from him, but in reality it has little to do with all that. It is the consequence of a supposedly “good war” in Afghanistan that has now gone badly wrong. The director of US National Intelligence, Michael McConnell, admits as much, saying the Afghan leadership must deal with the “endemic corruption and pervasive poppy cultivation and drug trafficking” that is to blame for the rise of the neo-Taliban.

The majority of Pakistanis are opposed to the US presence in the region, viewing it as the most serious threat to peace. Why, then, has the US decided to destabilize a crucial ally? Within Pakistan, some analysts argue this is a carefully coordinated move to weaken the Pakistani state by creating a crisis that extends way beyond the frontier with Afghanistan. Its ultimate aim, they claim, would be the extraction of the Pakistani military’s nuclear fangs. If this were the case, it would imply Washington was determined to break up Pakistan, since the country would not survive a disaster on that scale.

In my view, however, the expansion of the war relates far more to the Bush administration’s disastrous occupation in Afghanistan. It is hardly a secret that President Karzai’s regime is becoming more isolated each passing day, as Taliban guerrillas move ever closer to Kabul.
When in doubt, escalate the war, is an old imperial motto. The strikes against Pakistan represent – like the decisions of President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, to bomb and then invade Cambodia – a desperate bid to salvage a war that was never good, but has now gone badly wrong.

It is true that those resisting the Nato occupation cross the Pakistan-Afghan border with ease. However, the US has often engaged in quiet negotiations with them. Several feelers have been put out to the Taliban in Pakistan, while US intelligence experts regularly check into the Serena hotel in Swat to meet Maulana Fazlullah, a local pro-Taliban leader.

Pashtuns in Peshawar, hitherto regarded as secular liberals, told the BBC only last week that they had lost all faith in the west. The decision to violate the country’s sovereignty at will had sent them in the direction of the insurgents.

While there is much grieving for the Marriott hotel casualties, some ask why the lives of those killed by Predator drones or missile attacks are considered to be of less value. In recent weeks almost 100 innocent people have died in this fashion. No outrage and global media coverage for them.

Why was the Marriot targeted? Two explanations have surfaced in the media. The first is that there was a planned dinner for the president and his cabinet there that night, which was cancelled at the last moment.

The second, reported in the respected Pakistani English-language newspaper, Dawn, is that “a top secret operation of the US Marines [was] going on inside the Marriott when it was attacked”. According to the paper: “Well-equipped security officers from the US embassy were seen on the spot soon after the explosions. However, they left the scene shortly afterwards.”

The country’s largest newspaper, the News, also reported on Sunday that witnesses had seen US embassy steel boxes being carried into the Marriott at night on September 17. According to the paper, the steel boxes were permitted to circumvent security scanners stationed at the hotel entrance.

Mumtaz Alam, a member of parliament, witnessed this. He wanted to leave the hotel but, owing to the heavy security, he was not permitted to leave at the time and is threatening to raise the issue in parliament.

These may be the motivations for this particular attack, but behind it all is the shadow of an expanding war.

See Also: Pakistan: Media propaganda, Palin Agrees with Obama on Pakistan, Refugees Flee Fighting, and Other Blunders, President of Pakistan (21 days only….and already target for murder), Pakistan Army Says 1,000 Militants Killed in 1 Month, Pakistans Faith in Its New Leader Is Shaken, and Obama and McCain Equally Mediocre on Pakistan.

[tags]terrorism, taleban, taliban, afghanistan, pakistan, islamobad, islamabad, marriot attack, tariq ali, counter punch, terrorist attacks, musharraf, us involvement, ISS, teliban, explanations, analyzes, analysis, US embassy, shadow war, islamic fundamentalists[/tags]


It’s A Celebration Of 500,000 Hits (bitches)

PBH finally cracked the 500,000 unique hit mark, after lots of ebbs and flows over the past year (it actually took a year and a half to reach this mark, though there has only been consistent blogging for 6 months of that time). We’re proud (for the most part) of the product we’ve put out and appreciate everyone’s comments and patronage. We’re looking for more bloggers, so if you are interested, drop a comment below or email alec. A full summary of the most popular posts is below:

Top 20 Posts By Hits

1. The Main Page with 35,491 unique hits — Who knew? Our main page is the one with the most hits over the past year and a half.

2. Donkey Love with 30,030 unique hits — Features the story of Donkey Festival in Colombia that quite literally celebrates fucking donkeys.

3. Happy Memorial Day with 26,338 unique hits — a poignant series of pictures from May of 2007 that featured an Iraqi boy hiding behind a US soldier during an explosion in Baghdad.

4. Why I Hate Capitalism with 24,540 unique hits — A commemorative 9/11 coin. Only 19.95 (limited supplies).

5. History Repeats Itself And Painfully So with 21,707 unique hits — A politically cartoon from the 1920’s about the British expedition in Iraq. [Editors Note: This probably would be the leader if PBH didn’t crash after being Dugg]

6. What Reddit Has Become with 19,849 unique hits — A hilarious picture done by AlvinBlah on the state of Reddit. [Editors Note: This would probably also be higher if not for PBH crashing while being Reddited]

7. Every 9.74 Days, Iraqi Civilians Experience September 11th with 19,514 unique hits — An expose on the cost of civilian life since the American invasion.

8. Ask A Shiite: Perceptions of America in the Middle East with 17,694 unique hits — A university student in the UAE writes a piece on the perception of America in the Middle East.

9. The First Thing I Saw On The Way To Work with 15,399 unique hits — A picture captured by Alec during his first day at the State Department in Bucharest, Romania.

10. The Horrors of Plastic Pollution with 15,222 unique hits — A picture of a turtle that had a plastic band tied around its shell in infancy.

11. Fox News, Fair And Balanced (Their Paragraph Alignment, That is) with 14,374 unique hits — A ridiculous screen capture from Fox News suggesting Osama Bin Laden & Barack Obama are related.

12. Patrick Leahy Bitch Slaps For America with 14,352 unique hits — A video of Patrick Leahy interrogating a Bush surrogate, and it is not pretty.

13. Old Time Porno Cartoon with 11,902 unique hits — Dance Party finds a hilarious ol’ timey porno cartoon from the 1920’s. And it is absolutely fucking filthy.

14. Loose Post 9/11 Lips with 11,014 unique hits — Donald Rumsfeld lets it slip that the plane over Pennsylvania was shot down. Oops!

15. US National Debt in the Past 25 Years with 10,635 unique hits — An astounding picture of the American debt in the past 25 years.

16. Number of Doctors Per Inhabitants with 10,050 unique hits — A visual representation of inhabitants per doctor across the world.

17. Humanity with 9,938 unique hits — An epic picture.

18. Inster with 9,879 unique hits — Check out the latest hipster trend. It’s so cool, you don’t even know. [Featured on Gawker]

19. What The Fack with 9,372 unique hits — Ann Coulter says she will campaign for Hillary Clinton if John McCain wins the Republican nomination.

20. Civilian Death Statistics in Iraq and Afghanistan Compared with 9,113 unique hits — Evaluates the human casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Top 1 Search Term

1. Natasha Mitra — the most successful Jihad on the face of the planet.

Bonus: If you type in “Sarah Palin Is A Fucking Idiot” into Google, we are the first page.

[tags]prosebeforehos, prose before hos, PBH, website, blog, 500000 hits, 500k, unique, visitors, top 20 posts, pbh network[/tags]


Books, I Know, Are Upsetting To You

Sarah Palin’s video blog revealed:

[best of the bunch]
McCain/Palin 2008 — Governor Sarah Palin Vlog #5 — RNC Speech Rehearsal

[tags]sarah palin, sara palin, sarah palan, sara palan, sarah palen, sara palen, mock videos, video log, vlog, RNC speech, republican national committee, republican national convention, vice president, alaska governor, jews, funny, hilarious, youtube, movies, clips[/tags]


What’s the Point of a Hail Mary If You Can’t Catch The Pass?

Sarah Palin, with a 10% favorable rating, now has the lowest approval ratings of any candidate in the 2008 election [CORRECTION: The graph and data actually shows that Sarah Palin’s net approval rating went from over +15% to -10% over the past 2 weeks]:

Graph of favorable ratings

Maybe it was those incredible interviews she did this week?

See Also: Palin’s Favorables Slip To – 10, The Palin-Couric interview, 9/28 Daily Kos R2K Tracking Poll: Obama 50, McCain 43, SNL Spoofs Palin/Couric Interview, Video: Tina Fey as Sarah Palin Being Interviewed By Katie Couric on SNL, Not My Gal, No Lifeline For Sarah Palin, The Palin Pick, four weeks in: voters, fluency, funnies & the next debate, and Sarah Palin is Totally Unqualified.

[tags]Sarah Palin, favorability ratings, sara palin, favorables, approval rating, polls, election 2008, conservatives, least popular, interviews, intelligence, voters, electoral college, map, sarah palen, vice president, governor of alaska[/tags]


Eric Fensler

Eric Fensler (of GI Joe PSA and TRS-80 fame) teamed up with the Eric of Tim and Eric to make an amazing music video. There’s also another music video that Tim/Eric’s Eric did for a group called The Bird and The Bee (they did that song Again & Again that I popular on college radio) that’s on that page. I had never thought about how Tim/Eric and Fensler share an aesthetic, but I guess they are both really into paying homage/parodying retro lo-fi.

Perusing FenslerFilm’s YouTube, I came across a music video E. Fensler did for a guy named Ariel Pink, who seems to be playing the musical equivalent to this retro lo-fi style. The first song I heard, “Politely Declined“, made me turn down my speakers because of the extreme overdriven, overdubbed cassette tape sound. It’s a fun song, but I don’t know if I could listen to it on a regular basis. “Are you looking after my boys” is the next song I heard, video also directed by FenslerFilm. It’s pretty interesting in that both the music and video sound like they have been recorded and rerecorded onto a VHS.

I just read the news page for Fensler, and I guess he is a writer for Tim & Eric Awesome Show, so I guess it makes sense that they all share an aesthetic. He apparently also did a Sealab 2021 episode that never aired, but it’s on the Sealab Season 3 DVD. I’d like to see that.


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