National Security at work

The huddled masses have been awaiting my political endorsement as if it were Groundhog’s day and my announcement should bring either extended famine or gracious reprieve. Be anxious no longer for my word is upon you. I gladly endorse the only democratic candidate who is both qualified and electable: obviously John Edwards is our man…. whats that? he already dropped out? Alas, my timing isn’t what it used to be. Well, I always thought he’d make a good Vice President as well…. whats that? he said VP doesn’t interest him? Buckle up then folks, its gonna be a bumpy ride. Plenty of polarized politics to go around for everyone. Don’t expect any middle ground; these candidates are prepared to swing far and wide if thats what it takes to distinguish themselves. Perhaps that was Edward’s downfall; he was just too likable, too much a man of the people. Reminding the middle class that exploitative elitists pose more threat to their way of life than terrorists just didn’t strike enough fear into the populace. As if America needs another decade or two of foreign turmoil before our domestic shortcomings become apparent. America is no stranger to electing the aged; perhaps Edwards will have the courage to run again by 2016. We should be so lucky.
Longtime Scientologist Nancy Cartwright — best known as the voice of Bart Simpson — last year gave the church $10 million to help spread the word of founder L. Ron Hubbard across the globe. It was all part of Scientology’s Global Salvage effort, which aims to “de-aberrate” Earth — meaning to rid mankind of psychological ills and other “aberrant” behavior. And now Bart Simpson has gotten into the act:
See Also: The Simpsons are Flying with Xenu
Ay Carumba
The voice of Bart Simpson, Nancy Cartwright, donates $10 mil to Scientology
Ann Coulter, displaying the myopic John McCain hate that is filling up the leadership of the conservative movement, declared that she would endorse, campaign, and vote for Hillary Clinton over John McCain. Watch below:
See related: Coulter: I’ll vote for Hillary
Hillary Clinton Watch: More Conservative Than John McCain?
Who is more conservative?
The Article: Obama and the Jewish question in yesterday’s edition of Haaretz, an Israeli daily newspaper. Obama and the Jewish question may substitute for Obama and the Israel/Palestine solution, as the self-removal of the pro-Israel right and other ‘softer’ forms of Zionist lobbying from the campaign of who may well be America’s next President could mean a real partner at the peace negotiation table in the future. But one can only hope…
The Text: Not a year has passed since Danny Ayalon completed his term as Israel’s ambassador in Washington, but he has already seen fit to criticize Barack Obama, who may well be the next U.S. president or vice president. In an article published in The Jerusalem Post, Ayalon wrote that during his two meetings with Obama, he got the impression that the Democratic candidate was “not entirely forthright” regarding Israel. Similar and even worse smears can be found in abundance in American blogs and e-mail chain letters.
While Obama was taking advantage of Martin Luther King Day to speak out against anti-Semitism among blacks, Jewish spokesmen were using racist language against him, solely because his father was Muslim. Since it is hard to find so much as a single anti-Jewish statement in Obama’s political record, or even support for anti-Israel policies, his defamers base their arguments on the fact that his positions on the Middle East conflict are “leftist” – solely because he rejects the right’s positions, which are more acceptable to some Jewish-American leaders.
Obama, Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate John McCain have very similar views on the Middle East, and their Senate votes confirm this. Obama has been smeared by the right because of his ties with international relations experts Zbigniew Brzezinksi and Robert Malley, as well as his support for a two-state solution and a withdrawal from most of the settlements. Billionaire George Soros, who has contributed to both the Obama and Clinton campaigns, is also seen by the Jewish right as hostile to Israel, because he is too leftist.
The U.S. elections are important to Israel because of the two countries’ special relationship and America’s support for Israel, whose value cannot be overstated. There is a major contradiction between this fact and a smear campaign against a candidate with a Muslim name, which risks causing many Americans, and especially blacks, to feel alienated from Israel and Jews. Obama is sensitive to Israel’s security needs, and he proved this through his Senate votes, his visit to northern Israel during the Second Lebanon War, and his unequivocal statements against both Hezbollah, which violated Israel’s sovereignty in the North, and Hamas, which violated Israel’s sovereignty in the South.
Obama does not support the return of Palestinian refugees to Israel, but believes that the need to solve the refugee problem must be recognized. He supports Israel as the state of the Jews, and does not accept the view, which has struck roots in the global left, that Israel should be a state of all its citizens, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. He speaks out openly on these issues, as he does about the threat to Israel posed by Iran’s nuclear program, and he did so even before becoming a presidential candidate.
Racist attacks against a black American candidate could cause Israel and American Jews a great deal of damage – not to mention shame and disgrace. Obama has been forced to defend himself over things such as nonexistent ties with elements hostile to Israel, an appearance at an event at which Edward Said spoke, and praying at one church rather than another.
Great damage has already been caused because Obama announced that an ugly campaign was being waged against him in the Jewish community. That alone ought to be enough at least to make Israel’s leaders say something about Jews who preach against anti-Semitism while employing similar tactics against other minorities.