Who I am is not as important as what I want

We’re All Borf In The End

Some people were enraged and others were cheered by that mischievous Borf face and by the whimsical sayings like “BORF IS GOOD FOR YOUR LIVER,” or “BORF WRITES LETTERS TO YOUR CHILDREN.” (Borf seemed quite conscientious about matters of spelling and punctuation. )

you're prettier than you think

borf borf borf



most of all the world is a place
where parts of wholes are described
within an overarching paradigm of clarity
and accuracy
the context of which makes possible
an underlying sense of the way it all fits together
despite our collective tendency not to conceive of it as such


I am not permanent

nafta made me homeless


Classy Capitalism 101

Who likes to make money off of other’s.. hanging? I do, I do! Check out this advertisement for a programmer to do a website on Saddam’s execution:

A friend of mine owns the domain SaddamsExecution.com

He would like to build a small website to host the execution video, some pictures, and some txt which we will provide. We also want to put google ads on the page.

This is a very simple and small project. Please provide quote.

Money sure does bring out the best in people.


The Bottom Line

And not all guys are anal enthusiasts, either. Jim, a 27-year-old consultant, has been given the opportunity by willing partners but hasn’t taken the plunge. He agrees that it seems to be on the rise among his friends but wonders whether it’s “really a cultural shift or just something we ease into semi-contemporaneously as we age, like marriage or buying real estate or listening to jazz rap.”

I’d say that, like jazz rap, french rap, or french jazz, anal sex is DEFINITELY something one eases into.

Article also mentions one of my favs: the Aneros, an appropriately named device for stimulation of the “He-Spot”, or the male G-Spot.

Anal sex is increasingly popular in hetero couples (NY Mag)


Capitalism for the Kids

Clicky Click.


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