Why Millennials Can’t Grow Up


The Article: Why Millennials Can’t Grow Up by Brooke Donatone in Slate.

The Text: Amy (not her real name) sat in my office and wiped her streaming tears on her sleeve, refusing the scratchy tissues Iā€™d offered. ā€œIā€™m thinking about just applying for a Ph.D. program after I graduate because I have no idea what I want to do.ā€ Amy had mild depression growing up, and it worsened during freshman year of college when she moved from her parentsā€™ house to her dorm. It became increasingly difficult to balance school, socializing, laundry, and a part-time job. She finally had to dump the part-time job, was still unable to do laundry, and often stayed up until 2 a.m. trying to complete homework because she didnā€™t know how to manage her time without her parents keeping track of her schedule.

I suggested finding a job after graduation, even if itā€™s only temporary. She cried harder at this idea. ā€œSo, becoming an adult is just really scary for you?ā€ I asked. ā€œYes,ā€ she sniffled. Amy is 30 years old.

Her case is becoming the norm for twenty- to thirtysomethings I see in my office as a psychotherapist. Iā€™ve had at least 100 college and grad students like Amy crying on my couch because breaching adulthood is too overwhelming.

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Bill Gates And Warren Buffett On Taxes

This video is eight years old, and in that relatively short period of time things have only gotten worse. Sadly, these guys’ words are more relevant than ever.


Only In America…Or Somalia

Only In America

Somehow we doubt that the Founding Fathers would appreciate how one individual’s exercise of a right would trounce upon another’s decision to exercise his or her First Amendment right of free speech.


The GOP’s Race Problem

GOP Race Problem

The Article: GOPā€™s race problem: Whatā€™s really behind that bad tweet by Brittney Cooper in Salon.

The Text: With this week marking the 58th anniversary of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, much has rightly been made of the Republican National Committee tweeting a picture of Rosa Parks this weekend, with a caption that said: ā€œtoday we remember Rosa Parksā€™ bold stand and her role in ending racism.ā€ (emphasis added)

But while many have justifiably focused on the claim that racism has ā€œendedā€ (which the RNC later ā€œclarifiedā€œ), another significant truth has gotten lost. If they really cared about Rosa Parksā€™ memory, Republicans would attempt to emulate her courage in challenging the white male entitlement that demanded she give up the seat that she paid for. That kind of white male entitlement still dominates both the GOP and the American political scene today.

For example, if the party really wanted to take lessons from Rosa Parksā€™ story, it would think about the 90 percent of African-Americans who stayed off those buses and walked or carpooled to work in order to demand equal treatment and recognition of their dignity. In contemporary elections, it is routine that more than 90 percent of black America votes for anyone but the GOP.

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Move To The City To Learn More

According to Tom Friedman, place doesn’t matter anymore. If that’s true, then why are so many people moving to cities? Perhaps it’s because within a larger, more diverse population, you’re more exposed to learning experiences that will only sharpen your critical thinking skills.


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