Hipster Land
i’m knee deep in hipsters and the like (can you spot the Alec?):

i’m knee deep in hipsters and the like (can you spot the Alec?):
Production has stopped on NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution’s “Blind Date,” while Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution’s “ElimiDate” hasn’t been renewed for 2006-07, sources said.
“Blind Date,” which films a couple on a blind date and then adds humorous pop-ups and graphics, has been renewed in more than 90 percent of the country for next season, but what viewers will be seeing are repeat episodes, sources said. There are believed to be more than 1,300 produced episodes from the show’s seven seasons on the air.
You see the domain onedatatime.com, and you think ‘One data time?’. This could be interesting… about DATA even. But you’re wrong. It’s not one data time, it’s one d at a time, and the d stands for dick. Yes, there are even blogs about sucking dick now. How much you want to bet it’ll be on the worst book of all time list (according to conservatives)?
In more depressing news, half of Americans still believe in WMD’s — they saw them on TV:
A recent Harris Poll reports found that while “the U.S. and other countries have not found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, surprisingly more U.S. adults (50%) think that Iraq had such weapons when the U.S. invaded Iraq. This is an increase from 36 percent in February 2005.”
Also, check out what a good showing on Reddit did for a new blog. And, in case you didn’t know, McDonald’s employees are not not doing anything to your food.