PS. I still hate Bill O’Reilly
An abbreviated link of the day:
This is the most important thing I’ve learned about dating in a decade. I even thought of dating WASP bitches again, so long as I could keep this in mind. Never, never let her know that she’s the only game in town. As soon as she believes that she’s your “everything,” she’ll start whining and bitching and making demands.
Let’s face it: many women spend all day whining to their friends about how awful their lives are and listening to their neurotic friends responding in kind. The last thing they want to do is go out with you and hear more of the same.
Salon has an article about the image of women in media — specifically, being idiots.
“Some of the images currently being retailed to teens illuminate both how far young women have come, and how easy it still is to cling to, recycle and sell outmoded yet comfortable images of unthreatening femininity.”
And a couple of sentences later: “I chose “I Like It Like That,” mostly because the lipstick-application-cum-simulation-of-fellatio cover and a blurb promising “plenty of aprés-ski hot tub fun” Does this need any more explaining? These are the SEEDS YOU SOWED. The feminist movement went from hero to zero in approximately 40 years and there is no one to blame but females themselves.
A conservative talk show host printed an open letter apologizing for voting for George Bush. I’ll let him sum it up best:
Katrina, Harriet Myers, The Dubai Port Deal, skyrocketing gas prices, shrinking wages for working people, staggering debt, astronomical foreign debt, outsourcing, open borders, contempt for the opinion of the American people, the war on science, media manipulation, faith based initiatives, a cavalier attitude toward fundamental freedoms– this President has run the most arrogant and out-of-touch administration in my lifetime, perhaps, in any American’s lifetime.
Wiggum: Shut your word hole! We’ve got to get this place clean for the air show.
Bob: Air show? Buzz-cut Alabamians spewing colored smoke from their whiz jets to the strains of “Rock You Like A Hurricane?” What kind of countrified rube is still impressed by that?
7. pearl harbor
To be screwed by one’s Asian peers.
2. butt hurt
easily offended when one takes something too personally
some one who doesnt know how to take a joke, and they take the joke like they just took it to the ass