No one here gets out alive
Fox follows Bush’s lead, renames domestic spying program as “terrorist surveillance program”. Wonderful, what other euphemisms can we create for our world? I’m glad Fox News gets to take the lead on our spin-free totally spinned out no-spin or Constitution zone! What part of “No More 9/11’s” don’t you understand, Constitution Boy?
So approximately 2200 American’s have been killed in Iraq, guess how many Iraqi’s have died? Oh, only more than one hundred times that number. And Kenya, a country that is asking for aid for 4 million people that are in danger of famine is also a country that has spent 12 million dollars in the past two years on luxury vehicles. Welcome to the world, hope you enjoy your stay.
And my personal depressing moment of the day. My state voted in democrat Tim Kaine for Governor this November. And guess what’s happening now? The legislative body of our state government is pushing for Virginia to have a referendum on gay marriage. “Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine (D) does not have to review the amendment resolution. He could veto a separate bill that specifically calls for the November referendum, but press secretary Delacey Skinner said he will not do so.” Thanks, so basically I could have saved myself the trouble and voted for a Republican. From a well thought out friend — “I thought the spirit of America and “freedom” was allowing people to do what they want as long as it didn’t adversely affect other people. I’m sick of all these anti-gay anti-“freedom” laws. I find it highly ironic that most advocates of sanctity of marriage have a few divorces under their belt. I propose an amendment banning divorces and hypocrites.”