things ive learned about america

things ive learned about america

1. there is abortion on demand

2. there is a war on Christmas

3. there is a war on boys

4. there is a war on terrorism

5. giving tax cuts to the rich helps everyone

6. poor people deserve to be poor

7. there is a war on Christians

8. Christians are anti-women’s rights

9. Christians are anti-gay rights

10. Christians don’t think the environment matters

11. feminists hate men

12. feminists are lesbians

13. feminists believe they should terminate every pregnancy.

14. feminists are ugly

15. women don’t get jobs on merit, they only get them through trickery

16. women whine

17. women nag

18. women don’t play the game right

19. women want a double standard

20. women control sex in relationships

21. women control men

22. feminists are stupid

23. pro-choice people can’t organize

24. human beings do not impact the environment

25. Democrats/progressives/anti-war/greens are unpatriotic

26. Democrats/progressive/anti-war/greens are radical socialists

27. Democrats/progressive/anti-war/greens are immoral

28. The United States is a Christian nation and should be governed as one

29. George Bush is a strong, able, moral man

30. the media has a liberal bias


Allah Awareness Day

Recently there has been a somewhat simplified argument occurring about the Allah cartoons that have created quite a stir in the Middle East. This culminated last week when gunmen took over an EU building in Palestine.

First, I have to say that those cartoons aren’t even that funny or clever. In fact, the last one points to the fact that this is a PR stunt:

PR Stunt

Second, I find it very convinient that people on the Right would defend this as freedom of speech. What if you were to replace these cartoons with one’s of Jesus and the Pope taking turns touching little boys? Would this still be freedom of speech? Would a boycott seem reasonable against the offending parties? What would be an appropriate response — slander, boycotting, violence? Because we have witnessed a call for the first two frequently by the Neo-Con shills at Fox News.

However, violence is not a reasonable response. Arabs sure are good at reenforcing our preconceived notions of them, because burning flags, jumping, shouting then boiling over to a violent retribution is the first thing most Americans will imagine when they read articles like this.

Are there well-reasoned Muslims on the other side of the world banging their heads on their desks too? I guess I only get American news, so I don’t get a tempered or balanced view on Muslims, but fuck. Can’t we put on a better face guys? I think the reality is whatever we think of Muslims, they think similarly about us.


Your World & Mine


None of this really matters anymore.


Your Logical Fallacy de Jour

Laurel, Md.: In many areas of the world, most noteworthy the Middle East, the Cold War created a “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” mentality toward regimes we would otherwise not have approved of (Saddam and the Taliban come to mind).

Under either Clinton or Bush the younger, did most of the world ever come to see U.S. foreign policy as standing for anything right, or just for our nationalisitc interests?

John Lewis Gaddis: That’s sort of a loaded question — “did most of the world ever come to see U.S. foreign policy as standing for anything right” — and of course it’s impossible to answer precisely. But keep in mind one simple standard: how many people in the world would jump at the chance to move to the U.S. and become American citizens, if given the opportunity? Then balance that against the anti-American rhetoric that’s so prevalent, and see where you come out. The answer’s not obvious.

That’s not a simple standard, that’s a stupid way of arriving to a conclusion that not everyone hates America. How many people would jump at the chance of living in America, Canada, or Western Europe? A lot, and it’s not because they want to be ‘American’ or Western, etc., it’s because they want to live COMFORTABLY. Asking if someone from a third or second world country wants to be ‘American’ is like asking an average American if they want to be rich. What do you expect people in a lower position to say?


Jesus Christ was an only child

Who knew God could be so funny?


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