This Has Lost Its Meaning

Did you mean what you said
when you said what you said
when I heard you speak?

Could I say it any clearer?

When I smile at you, can you feel it?
When I think about you, can you hear it?

When I question you, curse your name, and fall
crying myself to sleep again, are you there with me
Lying in bed with me, holding me close as if
we were already lovers again?

When will I return?

I looked into the mirror again and saw myself
again bags under hollow brown eyes
God, you look so vacant
Where did your insides go and
how long has it been?

This dream can’t last forever baby, it just can’t
She took herself too seriously man, look what it got her
God, I’m so confused
Why can’t she come down already, come down to
my level, right? Down where the shabby self-hatred lives

Rise up Christian brothers before
this right hand pulls you down


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  1. Hi…

    really good post…

  2. The Face Fitness Formula says:

    The Face Fitness Formula…

    This Has Lost Its Meaning – Prose Before Hos…

  3. Thanks, keep up the good work…

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