Heavy on the Irony

John McCain Was The Keynote Speaker For A 2006 ACORN Conference On Immigration Reform
It turns out that John McCain was the keynote speaker at a March 2006 conference sponsored by ACORN on Immigration Reform. Consider yourself zinged:
Bertha Lewis, Acorn’s chief organizer, said in a statement that came with the photo, “It has deeply saddened us to see Senator McCain abandon his historic support for ACORN and our efforts to support the goals of low-income Americans.”
”We are sure that the extremists he is trying to get into a froth will be even more excited to learn that John McCain stood shoulder to shoulder with ACORN, at an ACORN co-sponsored event, to promote immigration reform,” she said.
Video Below:
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See Also: John McCain’s own ACORN connection, Acorn pushes back, hugs McCain, ACORN And McCain, If You Don’t Have Something Useful To Say…, McCain telegraphing his punches, So What If Barack Obama Really Were A Muslim?, Hey, ACORNphobes, looky here!, Obama Says He Doesn’t Need Acorn’s Help, Dems and ACORN, Obama and Durbin Try Slick ACORN Amnesty Rider, ACORN’s 15 State Strategy for Voter Fraud, Outright Fraud v. Phantom Suppression, and The Big Barack Obama Fraud Scandal.
[tags]John McCain, ACORN, immigration reform, 2006 speech, shoulder to shoulder, picture, proof, John McCain spoke at ACORN, photos, miami, immigrants, miami florida, ACORN conference[/tags]
Actually this isn’t ironic at all. In fact, it’s business as usual with Washington power heads like Obama and McCain.
I noticed you linked to the post I published on Conservablogs, as if somehow these two wrongs make a right. I would like to point out, however, that I too have mentioned the McCain/ACORN speech. In fact, I tweeted it three hours ago.
Us free market activists have the ability that liberals do not. You see, we can notice when politicians of all political persuasions screw up, and we confront them on it. Liberals, one the other hand, refuse to acknowledge any wrong doing and instead try to point fingers of blame in other directions.
Those who pretend to be about free speech, justice, accountability, transparency, and open government, are those who actively work to limit all of the above.
Now THAT is ironic.
Wow, i keep seeing conserves and libs at each others throughts about stuff. I see a debate between a super flawed and corrupt individual and a slightly flawed individual. People keep talking about experience and looking out for well being and what not. That doesn’t seem to be the case, nobody cares about the best person winning, they just wanna see the worst fall.
Thus this country is a lie, and it deserves everything it gets.
Lovecraft, your name should be Hatecraft, seeing how you are wishing the worst for Americans. Your just as hypocritical and two-faced as the politicians themselves.
p.s. “throughts”
@Eric Odom
Your comment has no meaning what so ever. Your having an argument about who link/posted something first? Get with the program here. This post shows clearly how ironic the image is after the statements made by McCain and Palin for that matter. You say your a free market activist yet I see nothing to back this claim up based on your postings at conservablogs and your twitter feed.
You state: “Those who pretend to be about free speech, justice, accountability, transparency, and open government, are those who actively work to limit all of the above.
Now THAT is ironic.”
Are you not limiting some if not all of the above with your comment here? That sir is ironic, to which I will agree.
I honestly cannot believe anyone with a single ounce of common sense is taking McBush seriously.
I find your comment to be incredibly naive and short sided. What on earth are you talking about?
Your post trys be present a “gotcha moment”, where you want to claim that those on the free-market side of the isle turn a blind eye to McCain’s involvement with ACORN while hammering Obama for his $800,000 payment to them during the primary season.
The fact is, I just proved to you that a lot of us point at BOTH McCain and Obama for their dealings with ACORN. Unfortunately for your side, Obama’s dealings are far worse.
Most Americans know and understand this. I feel for the few of you who do not.
@Eric Odom
Here is a tissue to wipe those tears away poor little boy. It’s ok if you don’t seem to understand the ACORN events that occurred and how Obama’s dealings were NOT worse. When you want to start having an actual discussion about politics instead of going on statements posted by the news media let me know.
Sadly most Americans DON’T understand the real issues or even the real benefits of either party. The few of us that DO understand, I gladly solute you all.
Honest to blog, why doesn’t America have an opt-out system of voter registration instead of this complicated opt-in system? I know so many people who are confused as to if they are registered or what not. Why not just everyone be registered?
Because then we’d have a true democracy which we all know is scary. And when does the next season of American Idol come on anyway?? LOL!!! 🙂 😀
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