You Got AIPAC’s Dick In Yo’ Mouth

“I never had any idea that my government was wiretapping me at all… this abuse of power is outrageous and I call on your department to release all transcripts and other investigative material involving me in an unredacted form.”

Jane Harman on being caught selling her soul to Israel

[PBH Translation: It is outrageous I got caught via legal wiretap selling out my country to Israel!]

See Also: Harman: “I didn’t need to cut some deal with AIPAC.”, Can Jane Harman Hear Herself?, Harman: Alleged wiretap an ‘abuse of power’, Harman/AIPAC Connection Is Not New, Are Members of Congress (and Maybe Even the President) Being Blackmailed?, Interview with Representative Jane Harman (D-Cal.), Harman, AIPAC, and Leaks, and The Lobby is at it again.

[tags]jane harman, jane harmen, wire-tapping, wiretap, israel, aipac, isreal, israeli spy, mossad, aipac, american israeli political action committee, spies, traitors, israel-first policy, democratic representative[/tags]


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  1. Sandy Valencour says:

    So if we get useful info, it is okay??? It was deemed illegal wiretap for a reason. If we don’t raise hell and stand up for this, where will we all be if it allowed to stand? This is the ultimate betrayal of US citizens. Everyone said Nixon was paranoid but so was Bush and was a power monger like his VP. Release the tapes and clear the air. Call bull on the republicans. They are good at blackmail cause it works. They claim to have good info from torture,,,,our country signed the promise not to torture but it is okay cause the Republicans said so. I am so sick of ball-less democrats and illegal, lying republicans that I see my country hurt with all of this. We have laws and lines drawn just to stop this kind of crap

  2. Kit says:

    It was actually a legal wiretap fwiw.

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