Morgan Freeman On Racism

Morgan Freeman Racism

Hollywood’s go-to voice of God puts his thoughts on race on display–do you agree?


Rick Perry’s Dumbest Moments Ever Recorded

Rick Perry

In case you missed it, Rick Perry recently stated that he will not seek re-election for the Texas governorship in 2014, instead opting to pass along his spectral “leadership” torch to another cowboy-booted, lady-loathing and corndog-crunching conservative. Will he run for president again? He’s not ruling it out, and for the sake of Daily Show writers (and selfishly, ourselves) we hope he does. Indulge in a little schadenfreude below with some of the aspiring MENSA member’s most clever quips–maybe 2016 will bring along some more classic “oops” moments:

Perry’s Amnesia Regarding His Own Ideas

Perry’s Revisionist Approach To American History

Rick Perry 1

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George Carlin On The American Dream

George Carlin American Dream Quote

The late dystopian sage hits the nail on the head once again.


Detroit, America’s Next Stop For Intervention?

Invade Detroit

In sum: send the military overseas to do things that elected officials need to be doing here.


15 Provocative George Orwell Quotes For You To Ponder

Revelations about and reactions to the National Security Agency’s alarmingly lawful surveillance programs aren’t going anywhere soon. And as the US populace engages in frantic (and monitored) discussions about the very real possibility that George Orwell’s “Big Brother” state in 1984 is not so much fiction as it is fact, Orwell’s words have never been more relevant:

George Orwell War Is Peace Freedom Is Slavery Quote

George Orwell Quotes On Political Language

George Orwell Quote On Restatement of the Obvious

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