Hillary Clinton On Her Fave Designers
Good for you, Hill.
When an individual believes they are being watched, their life is indubitably affected. Their choices are different, their behaviors inauthentic and calculated. Americans shouldn’t have to live this way as a result of sweeping governmental overreach.
As National Security Agency surveillance programs have caught more and more (and much deserved) flack, the question of civil liberties–their meaning, importance and public officials’ duty to protect them–has quickly become a centerpiece of the debate. Here are nine great thoughts to guide your own thinking process.
At a time of true social and political tumult, Martin Luther King’s words managed to propel the civil rights movement forward as much as they provided a a necessary tonic to the understandable amounts of violence sweeping through the nation. While passages sprinkled throughout many history books are those wherein MLK discusses civil rights, King’s genius was not limited to issues of race and social equality. Take a look below at Martin Luther King Jr’s best quotes you haven’t read:
Hardly anyone really makes billions by being benevolent these days, anyway.