Koch Brothers Are Killing Solar Energy

What do you do when renewable energy costs are falling and state governments are mulling over mandating them? You lobby for fines for penny-pinching, environmentally-savvy consumers who are trying to make that switch. And guess what, this is hardly the free market for which they supposedly advocate.


The Ambien Effect

Sleepiness. Memory loss. A Freight-train libido if you’re Tiger Woods. Ambien has a wealth of well-known effects, but what many pill poppers don’t realize is that it seems to have the power to normalize functions within certain types of damaged neurons.


Morgan Spurlock Spends A Day As A Fruitpicker

Backbreaking work, minimal wages, and likely exposure to hazardous chemicals. Yes, immigrants are stealing our well-sought after jobs.


Colorado Pot: Already Overtaxed And Over-regulated?

On New Year’s Day, Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use, but now Coloradan lawyers wonder if the taxes and regulation are choking the law’s significance and potential benefits.


Saint Ayn Rand

After praying to her stony bust for eons, it seems that Randians around the country have had them answered: the longterm unemployed have lost their last shred of dignity!


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