Kim Jong Un Versus Christmas

Seasonal cheer, warmth and materialism–it must be stopped by the obviously not decadent, materialistic Kim Jong Un.


An Internet Company And The Government

Funny, true and effing frightening all in one.


Getting Drunk On God

Either the “Drunken Glory Movement” puts Marx’s phrase “Religion is the opiate of the masses” on its head, or is exactly what Marx had in mind when he penned it. In Minnesota, former meth head Brandon Barthrop leads the Red Letter Ministries from an old crack house. Christianity in its purest form, Barthrop believes, is absolute ecstasy and the highest of highs.


The Link Between Tobacco And Climate Change

For years, tobacco industry giants denied the correlation between cancer and cigarette smoking–and they paid enough scientists off to convince the public for quite some time. Fast forward to the 2000s, and the debate is now centered upon the relationship between human fossil fuel use and consumption and its effects on our climate. The similarities are uncanny. As Mark Twain said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”


Hillary Clinton On Reproductive Rights

Nailed it.


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