Bank Of America Told To Lie To Struggling Homeowners

Finally, a smoking gun and a courtroom for potential accountability. In a federal court case, Bank of America is being charged for systematically lying to struggling homeowners even as they were on the brink of foreclosure, citing unpaid trial payments (which they had, in fact, received as plaintiffs allege) and unsent documents (which the bank, again, is claimed to have already been in possession of). Yes, even–and maybe especially–as their clients were on the brink of losing their homes, Bank of America wanted to squeeze every last drop out of them as possible.


Climate 101 With Bill Nye

Four minutes of facts on climate change brought to you by the Bill Nye. It’s time to stand up for reality, not greed.


A 13 Year Old On Being Stopped And Frisked

Thirteen year old “menace to society” Kasiem Walters experienced the now unconstitutional “stop and frisk” policy for the first time while on his way to school. At an already vulnerable and difficult age, the last thing any 13 year old needs is to be demonized and treated not as human but as a criminal. Unfortunately for Walters and many others just like him, this is not an uncommon occurrence. Surely after years and years of race-based aggravation, minorities affected by this policy won’t come to resent and resist police authority and finally become the criminals they’re already believed to be. Oh, wait. That is what tends to happen.


One Of MLK’s Best–And Least Known–Speeches

As many fought for equal rights, Martin Luther King Jr. understood that for true equality to be achieved, the promotion and protection of labor was key. Speaking about the importance of dignified life to a group of striking sanitation workers a week before he was shot, MLK’s words are just as relevant today as they were several decades ago.


Carl Sagan Destroying A Creationist

Of course Sagan slices and dices the short-sighted caller’s questions in a characteristically good-mannered fashion, but man, I love a good Saganfreude.


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