62 Years Of Climate Change In 13 Seconds

All images come from NASA. You might notice that temperature increases accelerate in the 1970s; that’s around when greenhouse gas emissions from energy production increased worldwide and clean air laws reduced emissions of pollutants that had a cooling effect on the climate, and thus were masking some of the global warming signal.

While yet another fact-based video demonstrating climate change’s existence won’t change your mind if you still think that climate change is a liberal, “lame stream” media hoax, it should cause you to question why your maker might cause such a fluctuation in temperatures and weather patterns over “nothing”.


Would You Eat At 50 School Cafeterias In The Name Of Progress?

In the United Kingdom, about a quarter of students leaving school doors will do so as an obese person, and the National Health Service spends a lot of money–too much money–treating illnesses related to bad diets every day of the year. What might the two have in common? School lunch programs. But in order to figure out how to improve them, these savvy policy makers decided to visit over 50 schools, try their lunches, and then decide where to go from there. The first step to improving bad policy is to live it, and as our pinstriped congressmen discuss pizza sauce the vegetable as childhood obesity is on its way to becoming a national health crisis, perhaps they could take a few pointers from these Brits.


The Thin Line Between Corporate Farmers And Drug Dealers

Convening the pernicious nature of the fast food industry, predatory practices of corporate farmers, poverty and race into one riveting short, Joshua Merchant introduces us to his friend James and breaks down how lack of access to healthy, sustainable foods in low income neighborhoods contributes to the epidemic of Type 2 diabetes.


Why Immigration Reform Is Good For Us

Don’t let Tea Party zealots fool you; immigration reform is good for you, for the country, and for our future. The video above shows exactly why.


James Baldwin On Race In America

This video featuring renown American writer James Baldwin is over 50 years old, and it’s sadly still relevant.


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