Lee Atwater On The GOP’s Southern Strategy

His proposal of abstractionism seems to work, unfortunately. Keep in mind that Atwater was one of the most brutal GOP campaign consultants out there and did a ton of work for the Reagan administration.


Christopher Hitchens Revises The Ten Commandments

“The Ten Commandments were set in stone, but it may be time for a re-chisel.”


Modeling Agencies Recruit Outside An Eating Disorder Clinic

Because, you know, why not profit off of someone else’s suffering?


Learn To Speak Tea Bag

Because being bilingual doesn’t have to mean you speak Spanish!


Elizabeth Warren Takes On Bank Favoritism Again–This Time Via Student Loan Interest Rates

If passed, Warren’s Students Loan Fairness Act would allow students who are eligible for federally subsidized Stafford loans to borrow at the same rate the big banks get through the Federal Reserve discount window.


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