The acclaimed linguist and critic discusses the longstanding hostility of the rich to truly educating the public so they don’t realize they are victims of an economic system they need to replace with one that truly serves the public.
How do they do it? Blazing the trail for the most extreme budget cuts circa ever, House Republicans also comprise the proverbial caboose of those who have latched on to the crazy notion that gay people should be permitted to tie the knot like millions of other miserable heterosexual couples. Being two places at once isn’t only difficult, it’s also physically impossible! So which end is just a veneer?
In addition to busting unions and inflicting decades of suffering on Britons, the Iron Lady was a menace to a generation of homosexuals by saying that children being taught that they have an inalienable right to be gay is akin to “cheating them” of a sound start to life. Actually, Thatch, that would be your anti-gay laws that followed next year–the first anti-gay laws to enter the UK in over 100 years. Her grand funeral is being arranged this week (with public funds, no less!) and soon she will be no more than a fairly painful memory. Good riddance.
Julian Assange interviews contentious Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa on American politics. Correa’s finest moment? “There is a greater difference between what I think in the morning and what I think in the afternoon than between those two parties”.