Antonin Scalia, SCOTUS’ Own Archie Bunker

Along with shag carpet, the thought that black people being able to vote is akin to a racial entitlement is something that should have died in the 70s. Alas the tacky flooring is still in basements around the country. And we still have Antonin Scalia in the Supreme Court.


Thirty Seconds On Why We’re Fucked

Unfortunately, “Oppa Dodd-Frank Act Style” doesn’t have the same ring as the brain cell-depleting “classic”.


The False Hope Of Record-Breaking Corporate Profits

The Dow Jones closed really effing high the other day! So did the S&P! Things are great, right? Wrong. Life in the green for a select few doesn’t exactly carry over for the rest of us. But then again, it was never meant to.


The Rise Of Worker-Owned Businesses

At a historic low-point for union membership, workers have begun to find an alternative: owning and controlling their own cooperative businesses.


Noam Chomsky On Climate Change

Treating the claims of climate change deniers (re: dunces who comprise 2% of the population) with the same amount of respect as you do those who believe it exists (re: 98% of field experts) doesn’t just damn you, it damns the future.


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