Girl Thompson On The History Of April Fool’s Day

Let the sassy man who wears a turtleneck better than your dead grandma give you a bit of a history lesson on this most important of days.


My First Gay Hug

15 homophobes. 15 homosexuals. One camera. What happens next isn’t exactly what you would expect.


NASA Provides Video Proof Of Why Winter 2014 Sucked So Much

From NASA: This new animation of NOAA’s GOES-East satellite imagery shows the movement of winter storms from January 1 to March 24 making for a snowier-than-normal winter along the U.S. East coast and Midwest.


The Miracle Of Anti-Gay Denial

Uganda? Anti-gay laws that can imprison homosexuals for life? No, we didn’t have any part of that – said every Evangelical Christian who has propagated bigoted fictions to Ugandans in positions of power.


John Oliver Takes On Republican Attempts To Woo Young Voters

You know things are going bad when the GOP has to reach out to women, minorities and young people to get votes. Case in point: their latest ad campaigns to accomplish just that. Not one to miss a thing, John Oliver took to tearing them apart in his nighttime talk show. Admittedly, the ads made for pretty easy targets. Enjoy.


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